Rhonda from Rhode Island

Rhonda from Rhode Island

"It took only ONE 40 min. tapping session with your self-acceptance video to lift an unbearable pain I thought I'd have to live with for life." Click to Read More

Introduction to Tapping

In this introductory video I'm going to take you through how Tapping can release negative emotions

I'll explain a little bit about what negative emotions are, the scientific mechanism behind how Tapping works, and take you through your first few rounds. It may look a little odd, so be ready to suspend your disbelief and give it a try.

Tapping can help to free you from persistent or inappropriate negative emotions. Sometimes these emotions make sense. If someone close to you dies, or a relationship ends, you're going to feel sad. But sometimes we feel depressed for no good reason, or very angry with someone who hasn't really done anything to deserve it. You're the only judge of whether or not an emotion is appropriate or inappropriate - so what it comes down to, is that you can use Tapping to get rid of any negative emotion you don't want to feel.

Most of my videos are Interactive. You can't just sit there and watch it - it will only make sense if you follow the instructions carefully. Tapping looks a little odd until you understand it, so if you are not watching this in private, I suggest you pause the video and wait until you are.

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